I'm from korea but i'm currently staying in gautemala located in central america due to my work.
I made this blog to post everthing I want to say and share info.
I'm not good at eng but I'll wirte down all articles in eng. cuz someone suggested that i make bloge written in eng. then, it'll help me to improve my level of eng.
when koreans speak in eng, we feel shameful among koreans. I don't know the specific reason. but I could explain it. The first reason is when we talk in eng, koreans listen to the talk and try to find something wrong in gramtical. and the seceond reason is we judge how much they speak well.
anyway, so that's whay I made this bloge on here. I think I want to hide my level on real life.
I think i'm kind of older in korean socity. so I'm afraid to post some tiwanses star's news on my korean bloge.
the best reason would be that one to post all I like in free. :D
if there is any wrong in my articles, just let me know , then, it'll be helpful for me : D
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